Finance Committee
We are responsible for administering the financial policy, preparing the budget, and the supervision of dispersal and accounting of all funds. Interested in seeing how public funds are spent? Interested in seeing if your Community event qualifies for funds, or want to apply for a Neighborhood Purpose Grant? See Finance!
The Reseda Neighborhood Council Finance Committee requires the grant applicant to submit the following with their application:
Please also note that if a grant is awarded, the Reseda Neighborhood Council does require a Neighborhood Purpose Grant Project Completion Report as well as a letter of acknowledgement and acknowledgement through social media, newsletter, or website to support our outreach efforts.
- Eric Grossman CHAIR
- Jamie York VICE or CO CHAIR
- Karla Escobar SECRETARY
- Anna Measles
- Sharon Brewer
- Garth Carlson
Regular Meeting
1st Wednesday of the Month, 7:00pm
Zoom Link You may download a copy of the agenda here. You may find the supporting documents for the upcoming agenda here.
Neighborhood Council Funding Program Policies and Guidelines
Policies and Guidelines – April 8, 2019 NC Funding Program Policy 2.4 – Expenditures for Neighborhood Purpose Grants (NPG)Neighborhood Purpose Grant Application Documents
The Reseda Neighborhood Council (RNC) has currently budgeted a total of $4,300 to Neighborhood Purpose Grants (NPG) for Fiscal Year 2022-2023. Please note NPG budgeted funds are subject to change every Fiscal Year as voted by the RNC. The fiscal year of the City shall begin on July 1 of each year and shall end on June 30 of the following year. (City of Los Angeles, Charter Sec. 310.) The funding that Reseda NC distributes is for the direct benefit of the Reseda community. Therefore, please note that the further your event is located from Reseda, the less likely it is to be considered favorably by our board. In addition, in your application, please state the direct benefit of your NPG for Reseda stakeholders.- IRS 501 (c) (3) Determination letter or if Public School, a Signed letter on School Letterhead.
- Vendor estimates and/or detailed budgets to support the grant funding request.
- Screenshot of their good standing with the California Attorney General Charities.*
- A copy of your Statement of Information filed with the California Secretary of State*